Let Go, Let God

Let Go and Let God

You’ve heard this saying somewhere before. But, boy…it’s easier said than done, isn’t it?

We know and understand this in our mind, but it just doesn’t quite sink in deeply into our heart. When everything is under control, it gives us comfort. We feel safe. But when things are out of control, we feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

When we have a goal that we really want to achieve, we fixate on the results and forget to enjoy the process.

We started something because it was just fun, but then, if we didn’t get the results or response we had expected, we would forget why we started it in the first place and it turns into something that frustrates us.

 Living in a corporate world, we have become so results-driven and competitive. But who are we competing with?

Things are changing now. Let’s find the fun back like when we were children. Children don’t care about results. They are always having fun at hand. They are living in a moment.