My Big Game 2019

It’s 2019 and I’m back!!  It’s been quite a journey in my personal life for the last 2-3 years and probably the hardest.  I’ve never felt this scared in my entire life. About 2 years ago, I lost my father.  I thought a lot about life, our soul’s journey, and unconditional love. For the last several years, every single of my family member other than myself has gone through life-threatening illness and surgeries, one after another. I had no choice but to learn to trust the Universe and its process.  I’ve also learned a lot about alternative medicines and more spiritual aspect of healing. I’ve read so many books about miracles around the world in terms of terminal illness and its recovery and healing.  It’s also a great confirmation to me that our mind and body are intricately connected and intertwined. What you put into your mind and spirit is as equally important as what you put in your body.  Your negative thoughts, resentments, judgements, separation from oneness, and stress can contaminate your spirit and body.

During this journey with my family, I’ve witnessed and experienced many synchronicities where I received messages and signs from “above” and felt support and protection from an unseen existence from another realm.

I can incorporate what I’ve learned from this family health challenge into my coaching now including my Reiki that I got the second degree last year.

Now that our family has overcome the most critical periods, it’s time for me to get moving while carrying “stillness” inside. It’s been quite a journey for my family for the last few years, but they have been so courageous. They fought with their fears and made a courageous decision and choice.  Now, it’s my turn.  I know I need to step up to the plate to do something that scares me by stepping into the “Unknown.”  At least I want to explore several new options this year to expand my horizon for myself and my family.

What’s your big game in 2019?  Do you want to play big and celebrate how far you have come at the end of the year?  Me too! Contact me now and let’s make it a fun game and play big together!