Rob Maisonet

Today, I would like to introduce my special friend as well as my client, Rob Maisonet. I’ve met Rob back in 2012 at a business networking event for the first time. I knew then that there was something special about him and I was RIGHT!!

Rob is a man of word if I can put it in one word. When he says he will do something, he just would do it. Just that. You may be surprised, but the majority of people you meet at a networking event don’t do that. Immediately, I know I wanted to work with him because I knew he could go far. I was RIGHT AGAIN!! He has been a bold and courageous player, exactly the type of player I enjoy coaching with the most.

After a few years have passed, our trust for each other is still strong and he did it AGIAIN! He did what he had said he would. I teamed up with him to help his customers who can in turn, help me become a better coach. Here’s where you can find what Rob is up to. Check it out! Twitter:

You can also find his message and his success story with my coaching is on this website at “Success Stories with Kay.

You may be able to help someone you know!